Moe’s Apothecary Zinc Cream Deodorant Review

Currently I’ve been wearing a combo of Healing Scents Deodorant Cream and topping it off with Bubble and Bee Orange Vanilla Pit Putty. However it seems my pits have been getting immune to this combo, because it hasn’t been working as well as it used to, but still works better than anything else I have used as of late…. UNTIL…..

Moe’s Apothecary Zinc Cream Deodorant. My new favorite Deodorant!

I was looking for a deodorant that had zinc in it, but in a Orange Vanilla scent (I tried the unscented Bubble and Bee Pit Putty with zinc, and like anything else unscented I totally pitted out, ugh! P.S. Review of Bubble and Bee’s Pit Primer is soon to come)! My obsessive nature lead me back onto Etsy where I discovered the Moe’s Apothecary Shop. On my screen I saw a picture of a jarred deodorant, and the heading read: ‘Zinc Cream Deodorant. 100% Natural, It really works’. I wasn’t sure, because it’s rare something works on my rebel pits, but when I found out the owner would make me a Orange Coconut scent I quickly made the purchase before I could talk myself out of spending more money on yet another deodorant.


Ingredients to Moe’s Apothecary Zinc Cream Deodorant: Zinc Oxide, Kaolin Clay, Arrowroot Powder, Essential oils, Organic Fragrances, Small amount of Baking Soda, Organic Coconut oil, Organic Shea Butter

The day the Moe’s Apothecary Zinc Cream Deodorant arrived, I had already applied Healing Scents Cream Deodorant by the time I got the mail. So I went ahead and added my usual layer of Pit Putty (ok, it’s two layers), I then I added a layer of Moe’s Apothecary Zinc Cream Deodorant and went about my day. I’m not ballsy enough to try a new deodorant out on its own at first.

…..At the end of the day I smelled fresh. I was a little shocked because I hadn’t even done my usual Pit Putty touch up mid day. I’m hard to impress, so at first I figured maybe my pits had randomly decided to behave that day and it had nothing to do with my new deodorant addition?

Next day I decided to use Healing Scents Cream Deo and the Moe’s Apothecary Zinc Cream Deo. No Pit Putty (which is a huge deal)! Again I smelled fresh at the end of the day, and even until the next morning!

Then I got ballsy and started using ONLY the Moe’s Zinc Cream Deodorant…. and low and behold I manage to stay pretty fresh all day. Say what? If I were a 15 year old I would have said: “ This is cray-cray!’, but since I’m 31 I actually said ‘What the f***, this is crazy!’. It’s pretty much impossible for me to wear ONE deodorant and stay fresh all day AND through the next day. I still prefer to layer it with my Pit Putty, simply because I like powder-y finish Pit Putty Leaves behind because it makes me feel extra dry, plus the Pit Putty is a little more heavy on the scent, which I happen to like, if I’m not smelling orange-y throughout the day I get scared. However, Moe’s Apothecary Zinc Cream Deodorant totally stands on it’s own and can be worn alone.

One BIG test I always put my deodorants through is finding out if it can eliminate odor on contact. I live in fear that I will get stuck out in a heat wave while I’m on a date. I’ll be standing there in a cute sun dress pitting out because my deodorant will suddenly revolt against me and my sex life… (we’ve all been there when out of nowhere your deodorant gives out on you… you may not be on a hot date when it happens, but it could happen)! Being assured that I have a few deodorants that are great for odor prevention, and also a few that are great for odor elimination on contact is key to me. For the test I put on a random deodorant I had lying around, and within a few hours I didn’t smell so sweet. Perfect! It was prime time to test and see if the Moe’s Apothecary Zinc Cream Deodorant would banish pre-existing odor…. *drum roll please* …. It did pretty darn well! It instantly ridded me of most of my odor and left me with a light and subtle scent of Orange/coconut. It wasn’t a complete clean slate, but it did better at freshening me up than most deodorants. Most of the time if you try to layer a deodorant over your pitted out pits, it makes things smell worse. This made things smell better!

Another important thing to me when reviewing deodorants is texture. The nice thing about Moe’s Zinc Deodorant is that while it’s a cream it goes on dry but smooth. It’s not too wet, or sticky, and it rubs in nicely. If you over apply, like I do, be sure to give it an extra rub down because it can leave your pits a bit white due to the zinc. It’s nothing major though, and a good reason not to be a deodorant whore and over apply like I do.

All in all this deodorant is my new obsession. I really recommend this to anyone who has annoying pits like me. I’m already planning to order a 4oz size for $12 dollars. The 2oz size is 6 dollars. Even with shipping included I think the price is very reasonable.

For those of you who are wondering about scent options here’s a list of the scents offered-. Rosemary/Lavender, Coconut/Lime, Peppermint/Eucalyptus, Orange/Bergamot, Cederwood/Bay and unscented.

I personally would LOVE to see a Lemon and Clove option as that’s another awesome combo that helps with odor (plus I could mix it with the Lemon Clove Pit Putty!) But like I always mention…. when ordering I always think it’s important to realize sometimes certain essential oils/fragrances don’t mix well with your chemistry, so sometimes it’s not the formula failing you. You’ll have far better success if you already have an idea of what essential oils work for your body. If you don’t know what essential oils work best for your body chemistry I’d recommend ordering samples of different scent combo’s! It took me forever to discover ANYTHING lavender, peppermint, or lemongrass seemed to make me smell 10x worse.

Also, I want to mention that shipping did take a while, however the shop owner states that it is just her making the products and it can take up to 5-10 before your product is ready to ship. It’s worth the wait though!

I wanted to put this review up in time for summer… cheers to hopefully being BO free all summer! If you try it I would love to hear what you think!

Here’s a link to Moe’s Apothecary Shop on Etsy:


April 28, 2014. Tags: , , , . Deodorant, Natural, Uncategorized. 1 comment.