DeodoRite by Native Remedies Review

I was lying in bed next to someone I occasionally hit the sheets with, and after several hours of extraneous activities I decided I was due for a deodorant touch-up (thanks to my apple cider vinegar trick I was BO free at the time, but totally paranoid that if a few more hours of heavy sweating took place I’d reach the danger zone. As a preventive measure a deodorant touch-up was a must)! While it was a daringly unsexy move to make while he was lying right beside me I figured it would be even more unsexy to start smelling like a toxic armpit, right?

I mumbled a casual “Sorry, gotta freshen up” as I reached over to my nightstand and busted out my Pit Putty. Sexily I slathered it on while doing a slow mo hair whip. Oooooh yeah. Applying deodorant never looked sexier, or so I hoped.

Then he uttered the words no smelly girl wants to EVER hear “Oh, I don’t wear deodorant”

This could not be true… seriously? What?! I’ve known this guy for three years and I just discovered he forgoes a main necessity in my life! My world revolves around layering 30 different deodorants so it was hard for me to fathom a person not wearing deodorant! “You’re kidding me, you don’t wear deodorant at all??”


“Not even in the summer?!?! I would smell awful if I didn’t wear deodorant!” …Little does he know I smell awful even when I do wear deodorant, but I plan to keep that on the DL.

“No, I like the smell of myself, it’s manly but I don’t stink. I shower daily and drink lots of water so I’m fine”

Sure, he did have a bit of a man essence going on, but he didn’t smell like BO which naturally made me jealous. For a split second I wanted to punch him in the face instead of make out with him. To really make matters worse I discovered he was one of those people. The kind of person that spews the ideals of ‘as long as you shower, eat right, drink plenty of water you should smell fresh as a daisy’! Those elitists assholes. People who don’t have BO issues don’t get it, it’s not that simple!

Perched on my couch later that night with a bottle of wine I started thinking about my body, no, not his body on my body. Sheesh. I was thinking about what kind of havoc must be going on internally within my body. If you read this blog you know that I am a train wreck- chronic yeast infections, acne, BO… you’re probably surprised I even had someone in bed. I’ve often figured there must be a connection, some sort of army yeast overgrowth overtaking my entire body causing me to be a human cesspool of toxic waste that affects my vagina, skin and underarms… I’ve researched it! Last summer I went raw. Gave up most sugar (I fully admit I still drank caramel macchiatos, if someone can find me a sugar free and raw variation for a caramel macchiatos I will PAY you). Moral of the story is the entire summer I worked hard at cutting out sugars, crap processed food and nothing changed. Still battled acne. Still battled yeast infections. Still battled unpleasant underarms. With no validation in my theory to maintain the raw lifestyle I eventually gave up the kale smoothies. All I had to show for being 3 months raw was a stomach that was slightly flatter and a dresser I painted in attempts to take my mind off eating candy. I chalk painted the hell out of that dresser too. All my rage and sugar cravings went into that little gem.

One glass of wine in I suddenly remembered a product called DeodoRite by the company Native Remedies, I stumbled across it while doing some shopping on It claimed to help eliminate excess perspiration and body odor by aiding the liver work better and eliminating toxins. I’ve done everything for my BO externally so I decided to go back to the theory that something is going on inside of my body.

Here’s what DeodoRite claims to do, you can read all the info about it here:

DeodoRite temporarily:
Relieves all unpleasant body odors
Reduces excessive perspiration
Cleanses the body of toxins
Improves liver functioning
Promotes efficient elimination of waste products

Now I am not one to advocate tossing back random pills. Sure I take my vitamins, and during the summer I take Chlorophyll to help my BO (which does mildly help)! But other than that I am not a pill popper and always research any vitamin I take. It’s safe to say I was leery in regard to taking DeodoRite. Most of their ingredients I had never heard of! For instance what is Galium???? Apparently it’s a plant.

Here’s the ingredients of Deodorite: DeodoRite is a 100% homeopathic formula and contains the following ingredients: Calc sulph 6X HPUS, Carduus mar 3X HPUS, Galium 3X HPUS, Mag phos 8X HPUS, Merc solub 30C HPUS, Silicea 8X HPUS.

I spent some time researching Native Remedies and the ingredients in DeodoRite. While the ingredients are mostly plant based you still have to be careful because natural/plant based/homeopathic doesn’t always equal safe, especially if you are taking other prescription drugs or vitamins. Often times certain supplements/vitamins/prescription meds cannot mix, so it’s always a safe bet to check with your health care provider. With my initial research DeodoRite seemed safe to my untrained eye (apparently I don’t take my own advice of checking with my health care provider). If you look up some of the ingredients they are just fancy names for Milk Thistle and such, but I still decided to take a pass on trying DeodoRite, not because my research turned up anything bad but rather because I was skeptical. Seemed too good to be true and I couldn’t find a lot of reviews about the product beyond the reviews on the Native Remedies… can you say shady?? Thus why I am taking the time to write this novel of a review.

Several weeks later I came back to the Native Remedies site after an epic deodorant fail mid-day. I smelled horrible, was annoyed, and angry. Combine all those emotions it made for an excellent combo to force me into making a desperate purchase! It was totally one of those badass ‘F-it moments’. The DeodoRite was on sale at Abesmarket for $29.00, and I had a 20% off coupon and it was free shipping. Bam. Ordered placed! I ended up paying about 23 Bucks for 180 pills. I highly recommend ordering from Abes Market, they offer better sales than the Native Remedies site.

When my order arrived I didn’t take the DeodoRite because my F-it badass moment was over and the skeptic in me came back. So there those little pills full of promise and hope sat… until a glass of wine fueled my courage. I got off my couch and decided to bust those suckers open. Fuck that booty call who doesn’t need deodorant! I’ll show him! Show him what, I wasn’t sure, but I was determined to prove something.

I started off by taking 1 pill in the morning and 1 pill at night. The bottle says for adults to take 2-3 pills 2-3 times a day. I opted to start with a low dose at first.

Well, 1 pill in the morning and 1 at night did nothing. I almost returned them. Instead I upped it to 2 pills in the morning and 2 at night, and after several days of that dosing I was amazed. I had no ill side effects and I was almost BO free!!!!! Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I could magically go without deodorant or anything crazy, but it was such a relief to only layer two different deodorants in the morning and still be fairly fresh by sundown. At the end of the day I’d have a bit of funk, yet it wasn’t anything out of control. For the first time I felt like a normal person. It worked consistently. Everyday I smelled great. Suddenly I could go about my day without worrying if I needed to touch up my deodorant.

This sounds like a fairy tale… I know, you’re on the edge of your seat thinking I hit the jackpot! Ehhh… well, settle down because after several weeks of use I noticed I was starting to pit out again. I figured my body was becoming accustomed to the DeodoRite. It’s a curse of mine. When I find a deodorant or supplement that helps it usually stops working on me after several weeks. This is why I never get too excited when I think I’ve found something that ‘works’.

So I upped my DeodoRite’s to 2 in the morning, 2 in the evening, and 2 at night. This did the trick, it started working again and I was back to being 80% BO free. …Until that stopped working several weeks later.

Out of annoyance I stopped taking the DeodoRite for a few days then started back up and this helped. Now I make sure to take breaks from DeodoRite every few weeks. Sometimes my breaks are only a few days and other times I give it up for a week or so. Then I’ll start back on the DeodorRite, 2 twice a day, and work back up to the 2 three times a day when needed.

Basically the effects kind of wean off as your body becomes accustom to DeodoRite.

No matter what, even when it ‘stops working’ it still helps a little, as in I don’t smell AS bad as I normally do. But when it’s working, man, it WORKS and it will work consistently, until, well it stops working.

Another thing I noticed is that once you find a dose that works for you if you skip a dose you’ll start to stink immediately. The pills are super tiny, so I keep a few in my purse just in case I forget a dose or I’m out and about when I need to take my next dose. The effects aren’t prolonged. Once you stop taking these pills you’ll start to smell back your old self right away. Notice the site makes a point to say it ‘TEMPORARILY’ helps. This is not a cure. No long-term effects.

I already bought a backup bottle, even if I decide not to continue to use them regularly I will keep them around to take if I have an event or some sexy date to go on. Also it takes about 2 days before you see results.

I can’t vouch for their long-term safety or anything as I am no doctor- nor am I sleeping with a doctor otherwise I’d ask him. However I’ve had no issue with any strange side effects and I’ve been taking them for almost two months now. While I’m leery to recommend a supplement like this, I would say if you do your research and you’ve found nothing externally is working to help eliminate your odor these are worth a try. I’ve had decent success with them, and when they work I feel so ridiculously free! Being BO free is amazing, makes me feel like I want to run around wearing sleeveless tops and stick my armpit in people’s face. Ok, so I wouldn’t go that far but if you suffer from any body odor you know how exciting it is to not have to worry about whether you stink or not.

If you try them let me know!


January 8, 2015. Tags: , , , . beauty, Deodorant, Natural, Uncategorized. 3 comments.